04 January 2009

... can they?

hey! this is my very first post in the year 2009.. yay!

haha,, at the end of 2008, i learnt something :

--> men can't keep their words <--

well, i don't know many guys and yes i've heard about that theory thousand times from my bestfriends,, but hey! those words really are true.. yes, they could make u high and put smile on your face for a while, promising u this and that,, but apparently those are only sweet words! can they keep it? nope.

well,, basically, i don't claim, need, hope, or want anything from him, truly.

but hey, u have promised me something! can you at least keep your words? if u don't think u can fulfill ur promise, why bother promising me something? such a waste..
be a man!
or don't. yeah, cos maybe that's men's natural instinct,, not to keep their words.. promising bullshit(s) to every woman.. it might be something they're actually good at.. i don't know.

na-a-aahh, nope. i won't trust a guy or their promises whatsoever anymore..

not for today, not for tomorrow..

maybe until there comes the right guy, PROVING me that the theory isn't always true, CONVINCE me that there's still a guy left in this world who can keep his word..

i'll be GLAD waiting someone like that. i don't mind waiting. honestly.


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