20 May 2009

hate. hate. hate.

out of nowhere, i wanna make a list of things that i dislike ;)

1. wrong spelling! ew. it's. just. bother. me. i hate reading mispelling words --> in purpose a.k.a sotoy. no matter to me when it comes to wrong grammar, everybody do that.. but wrong spelling? it burns me! hahahhaa .. it even kills me when i know i AM mispelling some words. yea, like i'm the master of spelling bee champion, but trust me i'm not. i'm gettin sounds like a nerdy skank biatch! hahahaaa peaaccceeeee ^^v

2. being not-ontime. anyone including myself. i knooow i'm not really an ontime person everytime,, but trust me, it's KILLING me when i'm late attending something. i really never liked being one. huks.

3. a non friendly face/ignore attitude i get when i greet/smile to people i know. not even a single smile?? why don't u kill me first, and u can freely ignore me. it makes all easier!

4. (cursed) men in the street that seems like they cannot live without insulting any woman passes by in front of them. whistling, flirting, maybe even touching (!!) when they really lost their head already! that is an insult for women, y'all uneducated man(s)!! unforgivable annoying bastards. i could ignore 'em, but when they reach my boiling point, especially when my mood is down under, and their target is my bestfriend/sister or mom, i might throw 'em an electrical pole! :D believe me i'll do something without considering the risks. (God, please protect me.. ~.~' )

mmm.. it turns out that so far i can think no more about what else pisses me of.. maybe this posting gonna need a little update if i wanna add a lil' extra somethin somethin everytime i need.. hha. :9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe. Saya paling sebel kalo liat orang nulis "di larang", padahal seharusnya "dilarang". selalu aja.

Saya link ya blog kamu.