18 August 2013

New Year 2013 Trip!

Soo, how are we doin' up here in blogger? It's been a long time ya!

I'd like to share my amazing new year 2013 trip to my fellow blogger! This is going to be a loong post. Buckle up! ;)

Jadii sebenernya bokap udah lama nawarin pengen vacation abroad, tapi ga pernah jadi melulu! Sampe udah capek ngarepinnya. Eeh tetiba pas bulan november akhir doi ngajakin tour ke China-Hongkong dan sekitarnya, akhirnya mulai sibuk deh tuh nyari info ke tour travel sana sini. 

Alhamdulillah babe akhirnya nemu tour yang lumayan oke, namanya Happy Tour (Rukan Sentra Latumenten blok C11 - 02156941717) dan baru tanggal 12 Desember 2012 - which is 18 hari sebelum keberangkatan - fixed diputuskan jalan. Orang2 mah tour ke luar negeri bookingnya sebulan lebih sebelumnya ye, canggih. Alhamdulillah banget masih dapet seat dengan harga paket yang lumayan oke (dibandingkan tour travel lainnya), karena lagi high season banyak yang udah penuh, dan harga gila2an. Emang rejeki dari Allah tahun ini sekeluarga bisa jalan2 bareng :) HUGE thanks to my dad! Love you, Babe! :*

The tour Itinerary:
  •  Sunday, 30 December 2012
--> Soekarno Hatta Airport 
Flight: Jakarta - Manila PR 536 00.55-05.55  --  Manila - Hongkong PR 300 08.05-20.15
  • Monday, December 31st 2012
--> Hongkong International Airport
Straight to Shenzhen by bus
  • Tuesday, January 1st 2013
--> Shenzhen
Mineral Museum, Herbal Shop, Window of the World, Splendid China - China Folk Culture Village
  • Wednesday, January 2nd 2013
--> Shenzhen - Guangzhou
(by bus)
--> Guangzhou
Beijing Road, Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, Five Goats Statue, Pearl River Night Cruise
  • Thursday, January 3rd 2013
--> Guangzhou - Macau
(via Zhuhai by bus)
--> Macau
A Ma Temple, Ruins of St. Paul, City of Dreams - Bubble Show, Venetian Complex
  • Friday, January 4th 2013
--> Macau - Hongkong
(by Ferry)
--> Hongkong
Jumbo Floating Restaurant, Repulse Bay beach, Avenue of Stars, Victoria Peak, Madame Tussaud Wax Museum
  • Saturday, January 5th 2013
--> Hongkong
Disneyland, Ladies Market
  • Sunday, January 6th 2013
--> Hongkong International Airport
Flight: Hongkong - Manila PR 307 18.05-20.10  --  Manila - Jakarta PR 535 21.05-23.55

Aaand here goes the story..

30-31 Desember 2012
Alhamdulillah packing selesai! Kita berangkat ke Soekarno Hatta naik taxi, ngumpul di Terminal 2D jam 22.00. Mau masuk ke waiting room ajaa nunggunya lama bener. Kita ikut rombongan Happy Tour from Jakarta, 28 orang dengan satu tour leader: Mr. Aladin. Kita ber-29 sudah siap berpetualang seminggu ke depan! (OOT: gue suka ketuker2 manggil mr. Aladin jadi mr. Alibaba! why oh why..) 

Flight yang menemani kita selama tour adalah Philipinnes Air (PA), pramugari2nya ga muda sih, tapi masih pada seger. Video introduction PA is one of my fave things, dibikin kocak jadi kita ga bosen merhatiinnya. Di dalem pesawat dingin banget, untung udah sedia kaos kaki :3 tidurr deh di jalan. Pas mau landing di Manila, gue kebangun dengan sangat panik. Kuping rasanya sakit banget, dan pendengaran berkurang. Bindeng2 nggak asik lah. Masalahnya beberapa hari sblm berangkat gue baru aja nonton 5 cm dimana ada adegan si Pev Pearce sempet tuli sementara di atas gunung. Keparnoan melanda-landa di dalam dada. Udah nyoba segala cara yang gue tau buat ngilangin si bindeng, but nothing happened. Akhirnya mencari jalan tenang dengan: sholat. :)

Akhirnya mendarat dengan selamat sekitar jam 06.15 di Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), Manila. Jam 07.45 udah di dalem pesawat selanjutnya ke Hongkong. Kali ini pesawatnya lebih gede, kita bisa duduk jejer berempat deh!

Me at Ninoy Aquino International Airport

Waiting at gate N-3 Ninoy Aquino International Airport

 Four in a row at last, Philipinnes Air PR 300 to HK

Akhirnya sampai di Hongkong International Airport! This is one of World's best International Airport, and hells yes, it definitely is. Kesan pertama: ddingiinn! Kesan kedua: wow airportnya keren! :D
Disana kita ambil bagasi, kenalan sama tour leader Shenzhen, mr. Afuk, terus makan siang di salah satu restaurant di HKIA. 

Kita disuguhi chinese food, yang menunya antara lain: nasi, ayam, bebek panggang, tahu, telur, sawi putih, buncis, ikan, sup jagung. Be prepared, because all these kinda food will be our "bestfriend" while on tour! Abis makan kita nunggu bus buat langsung ke Shenzhen - China.

our bus trip to Shenzhen!

Sesampainya di Shenzhen kita langsung check in di Century Hotel. Malamnya diajak shopping di Louhu Mall, nggak jauh dari Century Hotel dan Shangrila Hotel Shenzhen, dekat stasiun MTR (Mass Transit Railway). Bentuknya Louhu Mall kalo di Indonesia mirip sama ITC Mangga Dua bagian pusat butik, tapi less crowded. Belanja di Louhu Mall bikin sangat pusing kepala. Jadi selama perjalanan ke Shenzhen tour leader udah ngajarin cara belanja selama di China, semua harga harus kita tawar sampai 10% harga yang ditawarkan penjual. Jadi kalo harga barang 500, kita harus nawar harga 50. Udah pasti penjualnya ngamuk, tapi kita harus kekeuh nawar harga nggak jauh2 dari 10% dari yang ditawarkan penjual. Biasanya penjual akan kekeuh. Disitu kita harus berlagak nggak jadi ambil barang dan pergi ninggalin si penjual. Dan biasanya penjual akan manggil kita lagi buat ngasih last deal. Tapi kalo udah nawar barang, harus diambil! Kalo enggak bisa berantem sama si penjual :p

Kebanyakan warga lokal di China nggak bisa bahasa Inggris. Jangankan diajak ngobrol, baruu aja nyamperin bilang "Hello Sir, excuse me..." orang sana udah langsung nolak kita pake tangan terus disuruh pergi. Umm, iya, diusir. Waktu itu di Louhu Mall mau nanya satpam money exchanger ada di sebelah mana nya mall, ehh baru ngomong "excuse me" kita diusir. :[ awalnya gue shock, dan mengira itu bukan beneran satpam, jangan2 dia cuma cosplay yah? Etapi itu beneran satpam mall loh ternyata. Ah, dahsyat. Mana nggak ada pusat informasi. Celaka duabelas. Akhirnya nyari2 sendiri dan hamdalah ketemu money exchanger di lantai paling dasar. 

Pulang dari Louhu Mall sempet makan ubi panggang hangat super enak dan chestnut panggang. Di malam Shenzhen yang begitu 10 derajat celcius, nikmatnya si ubi hangat nggak karuan enaknya! Dan karena itu malam tahun baru, kita sempet berembug mau new year eve-an dimananya Shenzhen, nanya tour leader, katanya disini nggak ada kembang api2an, tradisinya orang2 mabok di pub sampe bego, terus tidur di rumah sampe siang, terus have lunch with their family and friends di restaurant. Karena bingung dan kedinginan akhirnya kita balik ke hotel dulu, nanti jam 12 kurang kita akan keluar lagi mencari keramaian. 

Disini 7/11 (sevel) mewabah kayak indomaret. Nggak ada tuh tempat nongkrong lucu semacam sevel di Indo, pokoknya indomaret banget versi lebih kecil dan sempit. Tapi karena gue sama Eet norak seribu norak kalo ngeliat barang2/snack/printilan yang nggak pernah kita liat di Indo, jadinya tetep aja deh ngeborong macem-macem di sevel :p

Oh iya, karena di China-HK lagi musim dingin, sangat penting bawa persediaan baju hangat yang tebal, jangan asal lengan panjang aja, harus dari bahan yang emang buat musim dingin. Kalau perlu semua baju dari bahan wool. Mantel juga dipilih yang tebal dan kalau bisa gak panjang sampai paha atau lutut, karena selain dingin, anginnya juga kencang, jadi semakin dingin, selama disana banyak yang mimisan, dan hidung berair terus. Dan kalau ikut tour, jadwal sangat padat, jadi harus siap sedia obat2an yang diperlukan (termasuk tolak angin :D) serta multivitamin.

Karena new year eve di Shenzhen nggak ada apa-apa, akhirnya kita pesta sendiri di kamar hotel. beli kentang goreng KFC, coca cola, and guess what, daddy asked me to buy some ice cream. Yeaaa we're gonna slurp some cold ice cream in this very ten celcius degree!

Our NYE celebration!

1 Januari 2013
Hari ini kita akan tour kota Shenzhen. Habis breakfast jam 08.00 kita berangkat, tujuan pertama adalah Mineral Museum. Disana merupakan museum giok dan perhiasan. Kita diajarin cara bedain giok asli dan palsu, kalo giok asli bunyinya 'ting ting' kalo giok palsu bunyinya 'tok tok'. Disana ada berbagai macam kerajinan, mulai perhiasan sampai lukisan dari giok.

di dalem mineral museum juga ada guci segede manusia!

Setelah puas di Mineral Museum kita dibawa ke Herbal Shop bernama Bao Shu Tang. Disini kita diperkenalkan sama para "professor" yang masih sangat muda, berambut hitam lebat. Professor dimana-mana kan tua, rambut beruban dan botak. Tapi di tempat ini "professor"nya beda. Si "professor" ini sangat fasih berbahasa Indonesia, ngaku turunan Indonesia, dan sudah lama belajar kedokteran di Beijing, Shenzhen ini merupakan tempat berobat para presiden dan pejabat China, jadi udah nggak diragukan lagi ketokcerannya. Setelah memperkenalkan diri, "professor" ceramah mengenai tubuh manusia dan kesehatan, lalu memperkenalkan berbagai macam tumbuh2an yang dipercaya berkhasiat dalam menangani bermacam penyakit.

Setelah panjang lebar menjelaskan, kita per keluarga digiring masuk ke ruangan periksa untuk konsultasi gratis dan di"diagnosa" masalah yang ada di tubuh kita dan keluarga. Ajaibnya, hanya dengan ngeliat dan megang tangan kita, sang "professor" tersebut bisa men"diagnosa" penyakit apa aja yang lagi kita alami. Dan lebih waw nya lagi, pernyataan mereka bener sama kondisi yang sepertinya dialami keluarga gue. At least tebakan professor mengenai masalah gue tepat banget. Ujung2nya bisnis sih, kita disuruh berhenti minum segala jenis obat yang kita lagi konsumsi, dan harus minum produk obat dari dia *straight face*. Satu botol obat cina yang ditawarin ke gue isi 30 kapsul harganya 700 yuan, sekitar 1,1 juta rupiah *double straight face*. Udah gitu si "professor" nawarinnya pake maksa. Untuk menolak, kita harus tangguh. Karena kalau udah masuk jebakan betmen, duit kita bisa "terkuras" sampai puluhan juta rupiah buat beli obat-obat China, yang belum tentu tepat indikasi. Karena salah satu anggota tour, tante Mimi, bilang kalau dia di"diagnosa" punya maag. Dan disodori obat harga jutaan rupiah, tapi ketika dilihat obatnya, ada tulisan latin in English: 'for kidneys and lungs'. Lah, kan nggak nyambung. Akhirnya tante Mimi nggak jadi beli, itupun dimarahin sama professornya, karena tadinya sempet tertarik dan udah nawar, tapi tiba2 batal.

Our tour leader, Afuk

di depan pintu masuk tempat praktek para "professor" toko obat China

Setelah puas "berobat" di Bao Shu Tang, kita makan siang.. daaaan seperti yang sudah saya peringatkan sebelumnya, menu nya sudah pasti Chinese Food, antara lain nasi, ayam goreng, bebek panggang, tahu, telur, ikan, sawi putih, buncis, sup jagung. Minumannya teh cina, coca cola dan arak.

our everyday meal

*to be continued

24 April 2012

3 things I know

Well, at 20th-24th April 2012 i went back to Jakarta, my loving home.
some things are the same, some things change.

Yes, I gotta admit that I've lost my passion for a while, but after this coming home, I know 3 things for sure.

1. I have to be stronger. it's for Inyok. she's been strong for her whole life. it's time for me to be stronger than her, to keep her strength alive, to look out for her.
2. I have to work harder. I just can't give up. it's for Babe. I know he never gives up for his family, so I will not just giving up easily. ever.
3. I have to be even more patience. it's for Billy. what I know now, I want a future with this man. to be better person for him, I gotta be.

And doing all these things for the ones I love, is for me. cause I live to make my beloved ones happy. I will never wanna make them down.


03 April 2012

Comes back alive!

Yeah, I wanna make a confession: I'm not a blogger.

hahahahahah what kind of 'blogger', abandon her own blog for umm, 2 years? :))

hiatus, they said. :p

Okay, there's a little part of me craayving for blogging when I see my best Nona Lolita Theobroma doing her blog, lately.

and one more thing. I want to erase all those idealistic perfectionist kinda thingy in this blog.

Starts riiiiight... now.

WOW. udah banyak banget yaa perubahan yang terjadi selama 2 tahun setelah terakhir gue ngapdet blog. postingan terakhir masih tentang ulang tahun ke-21. isi postingan lainnya paling seputar galau galau melulu, enggrisan all the way, warna-warni sana-sini. edit sana edit sini, rempong deh cyin! :D

Yang tadinya gue galau jomblo melulu, well, I've already met some men.
yang pertama, Allah mengabulkan sebuah doa, dimana gue pernah meminta seorang yang sangat jauh dari sempurna, tapi cukup sempurna buat gue, or at least di mata gue.

dan Dia mengabulkannya.

One thing that I've learnt, dalam merangkai sebuah doa untuk Yang Maha Pencipta, rangkailah dalam kalimat sebaik baiknya, se-detail, seindah dan setinggi mungkin. karena bukan berarti do'a yang kita panjatkan tidak akan tercipta. 'cause in my case, God heard me.
Gue bener-bener dipertemukan dengan apa yang bener-bener gue minta. and well, I just never knew I was blind. apa yang waktu itu gue kira terbaik buat gue, ternyata karena gue belum membuka mata gue sebenar-benarnya selama ini. karena seonggok rasa putus asa, gue pengen Allah ngasih siapapun orang itu, yang penting bisa ngertiin gue.

Dan karena dikabulkanNya lah do'a gue, gue bisa merasakan sendiri belajar untuk melihat siapa gue yang sesungguhnya. apa kebutuhan gue yang sebenar-benarnya, seperti apa impian yang selama ini gue punya, dan bagaimana seharusnya gue meminta kepadaNya. sisi baiknya, gue jadi lebih bersyukur dan sadar, cause I have gone through it myself, that God works in AMAZING ways.
Dengan adanya suatu pengalaman, gue bisa melihat ke diri gue lebih dalam, dan bisa membuka kacamata gue tentang diri sendiri dan orang-orang di sekitar gue, juga seperti apa planning gue untuk hidup kedepannya. it obviously opens my eyes and mind.

Dan ketika pada akhirnya gue sadar, gue langsung mengubah semua do'a itu menjadi sebuah untaian do'a penuh harap, akan seorang jodoh yang sudah cukup sempurna dan bisa lebih menyempurnakan aku, demi mewujudkan sebuah kehidupan cukup sempurna dan lebih baik lagi di depannya.
InsyaAllah, saat ini aku merasa sedang ditunjukkan jalan olehNya.
Jikalau memang berjodoh, semoga Allah terus menunjukkan jalanNya yang terbaik, untuk mewujudkan impianku akan sebuah kehidupan yang indah di masa depan. Amiin. :)

Dan tentunya semua harapan itu, akan sia-sia sajalah menjadi mimpi, kalo gue ga berusaha mewujudkannya. gue yakin kok kalo impian kita dipeluk sama Allah, kita yang harus berusaha menggapainya!

Sekarang fase hidup gue udah semakin advance nih, udah bisa mempraktekkan ilmu kedokteran gigi di klinik RSGMP yang gue pelajarin selama 3,5 tahun di FKG, udah punya partner yang insyaAllah bisa sama-sama belajar menjalani kehidupan saat ini dan berusaha meraih kehidupan lebih baik di depannya nanti, punya makin banyak temen baru and still in touch with my best friends, pengalaman pastinya udah lebih banyak dari fase hidup sebelumnya, it's great fortune, great power and great responsibility, of course.

I can't wait to share it through words... just like i used to! :)

19 April 2010

na na na na.. my 21st birthday!

hey hey heeey!!

so I haven't told ya bout my 21st bday, have I? :D

I think it's kinda becoming my habit, to make a post about my birthday, one month after my bdayiyaay! nyehehe >:)

soooo, here comes, the 21 YEARS OLD lady! still survive in a hot hot city, surabaya! hahaha.. this year I was more real-axed than I was on my 20th bday!

it's like, twenty something..? been there done that!

hehe.. yes, I am more prepared for this. chill.

so yeah, here is another bday with my family faar away from me, so I just got a chance to celebrate it with my beloved friends here! well, nothing really special this year, actually.. ey, what?? liar! my bday is always special, however simple it is! :D

one simple habit on my bday is, to get a fine look. of course i have to wear nice clothes, clean up real nice, good hair, simply lookin'goood on my special day! it's a routine! this year's different thing is, my 3 besties texted me on midnite! yeah, 3 years with them and i didn't actually got any sms bday wishes from them before! heehee.. i got many bday wishes from lots and lots of friends and family, in FB, twitter, sms.. and i of course kindly replied 'em personally as always.. ;)

uhmm, 19-20 March 2010 is kinda exhausting, i remembered.. many college tasks, saman dance practice (cz we were having a show coming up), went out till late, and the saman performance was on 20th, and i had to be at campus at 6 o'clock! huwoh!

and heey! my family sent me a large bday opera cake! yaay! so, after class, me and my girls came to my casa to have a lil bday cake partay! hehe fuun :)

here comes the BIG opera cake! :)

blow the candles, 21 years old lady!

and i was really dying to see this great movie, My Name is Khan.. so i treated my girls to Sutos to see this movie! and i got to wear the shirts they gave me as bday present! it was RED, and i loved it! :* turned out the movie, My Name is Khan is such a really guhrreat movie! i'm real happy that i get to watched it on my bday! and yeah, my besties were there for me.. they enjoyed the moment with me.. it had been a while tho, since the four of us went out together.. ^^


it is RED and i loved it! :D

it was simply a good good day for me! alhamdulillah, ya Allah..

thank you for the chance of being 21..
thank you for the chance of being with my friends on my special day..
thank you for the people who care enuff to wishing me sweet things on my bday..

well, can't thank You enuff for all of Your blessings! alhamdulillah! ;)

we were kumus-kumus, and happy! ;)

18 April 2010

What is it that God tryin' to say to me? :/


have no idea, how people can be so easily get themself a person who is willing to stay by themselves. (esp. women) y know what I mean, a partner in life. meanwhile me, myself, cried and cried many times to God, but stil not getting any. I have been feeling many ups and downs in this waiting. and the big Q has always been: WHY?

no answers to that yet. does He haven't trust me yet? I am 21 years old for heaven's sake! what else do I have to do? i've tried many ways tho. I have always been let myself open, but the chances were barely there. :(

I am just a human being that is only trying to be normal. which in normal way, I know exactly that I have needs. i can not pretend no more that i don't need it. I do need some real relationship. I need to feel all those ups and downs in having a relationship with somebody. in crazy thoughts, I always think that this is some kinda punishment for me. what is it that i've done in the past? please, if anybody that I have mistakes with, read this, if I have done anything that made you swear to God not to let me get a man for myself, I am begging you, tell me what is it that i've done so wrong, and how do I make it up to you? maybe you have some kinda power that made God 'listens' to your swear those times, that made Him won't give anyone nice for me to stay by my side.. *sigh*

or is it my destiny, to waiiiiit such a duper long loooong long long time, then He will give me either someone I have always expected to be The One, or else he'll give me another tryouts, by giving me someone that I am just stuck with
(either die alone or be with this person who is actually not great for me at all)

OOOOHHHH MY. MY LAWRD.. I am sad. :'(

and after all these times I have been passing through, for a pretty long time now, I haven't feel any sparks to anyone, for um, I don't know exactly for how many months already. I used to have someone that I really adore, and excited with, always. but yeah, in some case maybe I got a chance to get close to him, but it turns out I found out that he's NOT for me.

gosh, I really miss the feeling of adoring someone..

well yea, me of course didn't just stand here and wait. my assumption is, I just haven't really go out and publish myself that much. I believe, if I go out more, maybe join many this and that, meet many more people, it's not that impossible to find myself a man. but hey, the chances are from Lord, i believe. i just can not 'push' my destiny. because I am truly believe that every single littlest tiniest things that me and everybody's going through, is arranged by the Lord. and I always keep my eyes wide open if I had chances to get there. i'm just hoping that Lord will give me many more chances to work things out..

YES, it is all about patience.. all this pretty long time is.. oh yeah, not enough. should I still believe? oh, yes of course. just hafta keep hanging on to what I believe.
FAITH to The Great Lord.

27 August 2009

mandhyta's having a cranky mooooood! LOL

yoyoyoyoyoooooiiii ..
what's up people! been having a good life, eh? yeah. HOPE so! hahhaa..

if u wanna know my life, well, hours ago i can find myself in the most happiest and grreally really thankful for this life. but ya haah! i dunno, suddenly, ummh, my current mood when i was typing this, i feel like, umm, kraaaazzzeeehh!!!!


why? dunno. hav noo ideos palpados! grrr..

lets just say that im having this random cranky and a lil bit krazy mood! yoo hoo! \m/

maybe bcos i just finished watching friends season 8, (l-l-late?? yeah, whatever you saay) and i don't find it has a happy ending! uurrrggghhh made my mood like, blaaahhh!! :z and i found some lovebirds on twitter and i read their timeline, like sooo in love, even it's new couple or the old ones.. hyaiiikksss.. plus, i had this yucky "bandeng asep" that my auntie gave me today, and bleaahhhhh turned out i DID NOT like it! i felt nauseous! :'( and now my room smells fishy! yuuckk! :(

and now im talking crazy on my blog, y know, usually i want perfection in this blog, buuuuut what the hell.. that perfection thing is an obstacle to me for being more spontaneous! >:p

and i've been nauseous and acting crazy for a moment now, and THIS is my way of stopping me become mooore hiperactively crazy! LOL. yeah baby, by updating my blog! hha! this typing thing helps to control my wackiness! ahahhaaa *still dancing wacky thou!* :D

oh, and i hate the fact that i'm havin more fun in microblogging on twitter so i have more intimate time with my bb, that it made me kinda awkward to type in my laptop keyboard! ahahhahaa

i've been experiencing many ups and downs in my life since the last time i updated my blog.. well but lets just say that life goes on and i have to move on and try and try and try to be a better person in every step that i take..

wait. i know what u're thinking, stop stop stop! dont throw me that 'ast-bug' yet!! if i can read ur mind, ure trying to yell: THAT'S CLICHE MANDHYTAA!! what a motherf-er silly beee ouch!!

ahahahaa yeah i know that, but y know, when u thought life could be so simple, as a matter of fact, life is NOT that easy.. but when u think the life u're live in is soo damn f-ing hard, just remember to aaaalways find the positive things and ask to God what's the meaning behind all this.. sooner or later u'll find the answer and then life feels so simple! ;)

yeah we're all have our own problem in this life.. but we have no right to become a person that wouldn't care about others.
boy, that's just mean! :(
me, personally still haven't found out the right way to be a right person that is mature enough to face this world with all its complication awaiting for me to be solved. by my age, i am a grown up and shud be living my life in a mature way. but gosh, the pressure of maturity just can NOT helping me being mature.. well, maybe i might, but maturely depressed. *hehe i think i could be easily depressed :/*
we're gonna be mature by nature.
i believe God have plans to all of us. whoa, might gone very looooong if i keep talkin bout this. about me-life-God-etc. hehe

whew! see? i kinda solved my own problems tonite! i turned my mood from cranky to real calm, as u can see in my writing in this post;
the beginning = bzzzzttt *&%#$ bleahhhh!! >:(
at this point
= hmmmmmmmm... 0:)

ehehehh.. fun! yeappp.. okay then, seems like i've put myself together.. i'm off! catcha later! toodles! :*

19 June 2009

all by myself.. :)

hmm.. hey i'm thinking..

in this life, u're not always have someone beside you.

especially me.

i tend to be with my ownself without anyone beside me most of the time. it's really nice though, for an introverted-lady like me. hhe.. but at some points, it's kinda desperating, i admit. but i feel like in the future, -not very far future- i gotta be (and have to be) much more independent than before.

hmmm.. i think it's okay for me if i gotta go my own way.. *don't start singing, readers! haha* but i mean it. no kiddin here.. that's okay if i have to go all by myself..
just like my all time quote, "i have done it all my life, what would make it any harder?"

i believe in my Lord, i let my Lord control all things goin on in my life.. and i believe the end would be so sweet.. :)

well, yea this is a short post. just wanna share a little feelings here.. ;)

*hey, it's funny when i'm editing this post, my iTunes play me Eric Carmen's All by Myself! hahaa.. that's why this post titled "all by myself".. gihihii.. =)

20 May 2009

hate. hate. hate.

out of nowhere, i wanna make a list of things that i dislike ;)

1. wrong spelling! ew. it's. just. bother. me. i hate reading mispelling words --> in purpose a.k.a sotoy. no matter to me when it comes to wrong grammar, everybody do that.. but wrong spelling? it burns me! hahahhaa .. it even kills me when i know i AM mispelling some words. yea, like i'm the master of spelling bee champion, but trust me i'm not. i'm gettin sounds like a nerdy skank biatch! hahahaaa peaaccceeeee ^^v

2. being not-ontime. anyone including myself. i knooow i'm not really an ontime person everytime,, but trust me, it's KILLING me when i'm late attending something. i really never liked being one. huks.

3. a non friendly face/ignore attitude i get when i greet/smile to people i know. not even a single smile?? why don't u kill me first, and u can freely ignore me. it makes all easier!

4. (cursed) men in the street that seems like they cannot live without insulting any woman passes by in front of them. whistling, flirting, maybe even touching (!!) when they really lost their head already! that is an insult for women, y'all uneducated man(s)!! unforgivable annoying bastards. i could ignore 'em, but when they reach my boiling point, especially when my mood is down under, and their target is my bestfriend/sister or mom, i might throw 'em an electrical pole! :D believe me i'll do something without considering the risks. (God, please protect me.. ~.~' )

mmm.. it turns out that so far i can think no more about what else pisses me of.. maybe this posting gonna need a little update if i wanna add a lil' extra somethin somethin everytime i need.. hha. :9

13 May 2009


hey, ya know what?

it could've been more easier to have my blog updated if i have my very own internet connection in my kost. well, it's not that it never entered my mind,, but .. hmm.. dunno. maybe i'm not really tryin to look for the best provider.. hhe



just for fun, i wanna put this name meaning result i got from
this site
in here.. i bold every word i agree with! :)

You entered: Amandita Parameswari

There are 19 letters in your name.
Those 19 letters total to 79
There are 9 vowels and 10 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 7

The characteristics of #7 are: Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.

The expression or destiny for #7:
Thought, analysis, introspection, and seclusiveness are all characteristics of the expression number 7. The hallmark of the number 7 is a good mind, and especially good at searching out and finding the truth. You are so very capable of analyzing, judging and discriminating, that very little ever escapes your observation and deep understanding. You are the type of person that can really get involved in a search for wisdom or hidden truths, often becoming an authority on whatever it is your are focusing on. This can easily be of a technical or scientific nature, or it may be religious or occult, it matters very little, you pursue knowledge with the same sort of vigor. You can make a very fine teacher, or because of a natural inclination toward the spiritual, you may become deeply emerged in religious affairs or even psychic explorations. You tend to operate on a rather different wavelength, and many of your friends may not really know you very well. The positive aspects of the 7 expression are that you can be a true perfectionist in a very positive sense of the word. You are very logical, and usually employ a quite rational approach to most things you do. You can be so rational at times that you almost seem to lack emotion, and when you are faced with an emotional situation, you may have a bit of a problem coping with it. You have excellent capabilities to study and learn really deep and difficult subjects, and to search for hidden fundamentals. At full maturity you are likely to be a very peaceful and poised individual.

If there is an over supply of the number 7 in your makeup, the negative aspects of the number may be apparent. The chief negative of 7 relates to the limited degree of trust that you may have in people. A tendency to be highly introverted can make you a bit on the self-centered side, certainly very much self-contained . Because of this, you are not very adaptable, and you may tend to be overly critical and intolerant. You really like to work alone, at your own pace and in your own way. You neither show or understand emotions very well.

haha, i love doing this! finding out anything related to me. when the result says whatever closest to myself, i get very excited like a little girl gettin a giant lollipop candy, and wondering how is that possible? nicey niceeyyy :D

nyamm nyamm wait minute. i just realize that the post is not according to the title. if u curious about what my name truly means, here it is:

Amandita : aman-damai-tentram

Parameswari : parameter, suara ( related to USG/ultrasonography )

there! nice? ;)

things that i should've been shared months ago...

Dear God, what have i done to my blog?
i've been neglected it for how many months?
umm.. let's take a peek..
... waw! it's been 3 months since i put my latest post on this blog! aw aw.

last time i posted a blog i'm still 19 years old. now i'm in a big 20. yep, i'm no longer in the teenagers age era. i'm a twenty something woman!

hha. one thing that u shud know about this number is, it's pretty intimidating! yep. u have no idea how scared i am in the last minutes of my 19.. i actually already gettin worried from about a month before my bday. i realize that soon i'm gonna leave 19. and i'm havin a new number in the chapter of my life. one simple number before the others, 2. yep. turning 1 into 2 is actually intimidating for me. and it needed a very long process of thinking, cz i'm very aware of what's comin up to me. i'm gonna have a much much more responsibility, demands, expectations, etc etc. from people around me even from my own self.

i'm gonna be ashamed with my age if i still doing stupid things, having a short thinking, getting too reckless and sloppy, etc etc
i might be not having too much fun in my teenager, but that's the best i can do. i am now have to prepare for the upcoming era(s) in my life..

a day before i turned 20, i was getting oh-so-worry. i flashbacked what i've been done for almost 20 years i lived. i actually became hysteric that my time being 19 was almost up!
a night before i turned 20, i spent my time in my friends' house. we were havin so much fun that i'm almost forget that i'm turning 20 tonight! we were playin cards and truth or dare till late. but i couldn't help when the game stopped 2 hours before midnight and i was suddenly cryin' bcos i have so little time left on my 19! just couldn't accept all those reality comin up to me then. :'(
an hour before i turned 20, i left my friends' house, and my friend suddenly stopped in a sidewalk warong near pucang civil market to have dinner. and i just can't stop worrying about the time~! waay too overworried. i couldn't even laugh anymore, i was gettin scaared in a way that i couldn't describe.
i went to the car alone and cried so hard until i couldn't think. one of my bestie, Nona, tried to catch up with me, but i really needed a time alone. i called my best Hilma, just to cry. i told her what i was feeling. i cried more and more out loud! and yes after that i was soo relieved~! :)

it turned out that i only need a little time alone only to cry and let the bad feelings and thoughts out of my head! last cry in my 19th! ;)

then i came out from the car, ready to face my 20. apparently my luvliest besties already set up a (last time) sweet surprise for me!

very first nicest things on my 20:
1. a great surprise from my bests (:inka, nona, della ..) and from some great new friends (:dede, rifky, nono, memed ..)
2. a nice birthday 'cake': terang bulan, which taste the best in my mouth! ^^
3. my best hilma, which encourage me before to face my 20, and the first one greetings me happy bday! :)
4. a sweet street singer that cheers up my night by playin some nice songs that made us all sing together all nite
5. very simple place but soo sweet to celebrate my 20: lesehan warung tempe penyet depan pasar pucang
6. lovely presents from my besties!

the most important thing is,
i can never be this tough without my besties around me.. i knew that i'm definitely ready leaving my 19 and entering my 20, when i realize that i'm not alone in this. i have 3 wonderful bestfriends near me, 2 great bestfriends in jakarta and hundreds hundreds of nice friends with me to face this. no need to worry! ;)

and not only those, i of course have a wonderful family that means so much in my heart.
and i can be this grateful bcos my Great Lord never forget to have me fully blessed with many wonderful things. alhamdulillah. i just can't stop being so thankful seconds after seconds!

just like the backsound of my birthday, it's too sweet to forget~! =)

p.s. i'll updated this post to add some MORE pics and videos later! ;)